Having This in Your Office is Dangerous
Doctors: Do you have gossip your practice?
If you do, I encourage you to talk to your team about this, because it's something that can really create division and ultimately hurt your bottom line.
Dave Ramsey refers to gossip as:
Discussing a negative with someone who can't solve the problem.
I suggest you:
Share Ramey’s definition with your team.
By doing this, you create a culture where everyone agrees that if there’s an issue or there’s something that needs to be resolved, they need to go to someone who can do something about the problem and help the situation.
If the person they go to can’t help, it’s just venting and that only adds to the problem and does nothing to help with the solution.
I think healthy practices have healthy teams that also have healthy communication. And if you want to reach your ultimate potential, having a team that can communicate and eliminate the gossip will help you and your practice tremendously.