Why Aren't You Focusing on Your High Performers?
Doctors: I want to talk to you today about something that I know has affected most of my clients and dentists I talk to, at least some point in their career.
What do you do when you have a team member on your team that you know deep down is not the right fit for the practice, even if they are giving it their very best?
This is something that you can handle in a very compassionate way with everyone involved or you can allow it to really cause some pretty serious damage in your practice.
What happens when you leave a team member in place that is not the right fit for your practice?
Other team members start to notice.
It starts to cause frustration with them because this team member is not performing.
Other people have to pitch in and it takes away from their focus.
It starts to create resentment from the other team members.
Another thing that happens is that this consumes the majority of the doctor’s thoughts and keeps them from focusing on what will really help their practice go to the next level or keep them from focusing on their high performers in the practice.
These team members are not getting any recognition and appreciation because the doctor is consumed with this team member that is causing frustration.
I want you to think about how the team member feels that isn't performing well in your practice.
Do you think they don't know they're not living up to your expectation?
Chances are they do and they feel frustrated and maybe not as fulfilled or happy at work. When you allow this to go on too long it creates a ripple effect that can hold you back in your practice.
Doctors: I encourage you to handle this situation with compassion for yourself, for your team and for the team member that is not the right fit in the practice. The sooner you compassionately free them up, to move on to something where they can feel successful, the better you, your practice and the team member involved will be.