Are Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back?
One of the biggest challenges I’ve had to personally overcome as a business owner, and now I help my clients do the same, is learning how to recognize limiting beliefs and how they’re holding you back in your business.
This is really tricky, because limiting beliefs pop up when you’re scared. They pop up when you’re stepping into a new version of yourself or you’re doing something that makes you nervous. To keep you safe, these thoughts will pop into your head to try and get you to take a step back.
For example, let’s say you want to reduce the PPOs in your practice, and a limiting belief comes up that patients won’t come to you if you’re not signed up on their insurance plan. You’re saying these things as if you know that they are true, but these are the things that are holding you back.
When you look at it and you realize that maybe other practices have already achieved that, or maybe that’s just something that is coming to your mind out of fear, you are willing to re-frame that and say it in a different way.
For example, I believe that we offer enough value in our practice that patients will come to us out of network and just by reframing it, even if you don’t believe it yet, you start to change the energy around that belief. Then what you’ll notice is that things start to open up and you’re able to step into this new version of your practice that you want to create because you were willing to look at that limiting belief.