Is your practice being undermined by your team members?

There are three types of team members, and each has a profound impact on the overall success of your practice.

1)    Engaged. This team member is ideal. They have a true connection to the practice. They’re passionate about what they do. They’re career minded, innovators and problem solvers. They have the overall attitude of continuous improvement for the betterment of the practice. Engaged team members will help make your vision a reality.

2)    Non-engaged. They are putting in the time, but they’re not putting energy or passion into the practice. Non-engaged team members can be a reflection of your leadership.

3)    Actively disengaged. This person is not just unhappy, they are actively undermining what engaged team members are trying to accomplish. Keeping actively disengaged team members in your

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practice is the fastest way to lose your engaged team members.

Take a good look at your team members and how they are contributing to the practice. Do you have the right team in place to reach your goals for the practice?

Share with us your experiences with these three different types of team members in the comments section below. If you’re struggling with team members who are non-engaged or dis-engaged and would like some help in determining how to develop a more engaged team, contact me at