Top 3 Reasons Patients Are Leaving Your Practice


Have you ever wondered why patients are leaving your practice and seeking dental care elsewhere? These points may seem very simple, but they’re so true. Here are the Top 3 Reasons Patients Are Leaving Your Practice:

They don’t feel valued.

It’s easy for your patients to get lost in the daily shuffle, but this is definitely avoidable. Make sure from the moment they walk into your practice that you’re creating a consistent experience for them.

You’re not respecting their time.

Honor your patients’ time. They’re just as busy as you are. Be sure you run on time, or set the expectation ahead of time and let them know how far behind you are. Also, moving patient appointments should happen only once in a great while, and not be something that’s done on a regular basis. Your patients make the commitment to you, so make the same commitment to them and honor their appointment times.

Simply meeting expectations. Years ago, doing the minimum may have gotten you by, but it’s time to step up your game with patients. Think about the approach you currently take and reevaluate it. Patients are expecting more now and it’s up to you to adjust or watch them move on to another dental practice. Take every opportunity to not just meet, but EXCEED their expectations.

Losing patients is avoidable!

I encourage you to really take some time to look at your patient process from start to finish. Are you respecting their time? Do they feel valued with each interaction you and your staff have with them? Are you consistently exceeding expectations with your patients? This is your chance to examine, reevaluate and adjust. Your patients will appreciate you for it … and might think twice before leaving your practice!